© 1999 James A. Fowler

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I. Inadequate attempts to evaluate or explain human behavior

    A. Physiological explanations
         1. Hippocrates - 5th century B.C., predominate body fluids (humours)
         2. Genetic determinism of DNA chemicals
    B. Psychological explanations
         1. Neuroses and psychoses within the psyche
         2. Development of addictive, compulsive tendencies
    C. Spiritual explanations
         1. "Devil made me do it; I'm not responsible"
         2. Demonology explanation of aberrant behavior
    D. Nature/nurture dichotomy; biology vs. sociology
         1. complicated by ambiguity of "nature"
             a. condition of birth
             b. inherence of essence or constitution
             c. naturalistic world-view of "Mother Nature" as creative and controlling force
             d. Biblical usage of phusis - spiritual nature of spiritual personage - cf. Eph. 2:3; II Pet. 1:4
         2. suggested clarification
             a. congenital - condition one is born with - born that way!
             b. conjunctive - joined together with - developed that way!

II. A more comprehensive evaluation of human behavior

    A. Spiritual
         1. Spirituo-congenital behavioral explanations
              a. inherent spiritual potential for good or evil
              b. diabolic spiritual source; spiritual depravity
         2. Spirituo-conjunctive behavioral explanations
              a. demonic possession or oppression
              b. assistance of the gods
    B. Psychological
         1. Psycho-congenital behavioral explanations
              a. hereditary psychological proclivities
              b. religious explanation of "sin-nature" or "flesh"
         2. Psycho-conjunctive behavioral explanations
              a. victimization by the circumstances
              b. family dynamics of dysfunction
    C. Physiological
         1. Physio-congenital behavioral explanations
              a. disease, defect, deficiency - chemical, neurological
              b. genetic proclivity in DNA
          2. Physio-conjunctive behavioral explanations
              a. acquired diseases or medical conditions
              b. developed cravings, dependencies, addictions
    D. Behavioral determinism and human responsibility
         1. Are these explanations behaviorally determinative?
         2. Is there human responsibility within freedom of choice?

III. Developing a Biblical explanation of human behavior

    A. Spirituo-congenital condition of spiritual depravity
         1. diabolic spirit works in sons of disobedience - Eph. 2:2,3
         2. all men "made sinners" in spiritual identity - Rom. 5:19
         3. spiritually dead - Eph. 2:1,5
         4. determinism of evil character, but not specific behaviors
              a. "slaves of sin" - Jn. 8:34,35; Rom. 6:6; Gal. 4:8
              b. "bondage of iniquity" - Acts 8:23
         5. possibility of spirituo-conjunctive demonism
    B. Psycho-configuration of behavior patterns
         1. question of psycho-congenital behavioral proclivities
         2. acceptance of psycho-conjunctive social and environmental factors
         3. God-given desires patterned in selfishness and sinfulness
              a. Biblical usage of "flesh" - Gal. 5:16, 19-21, 24; Eph. 2:3; Rom. 13:14; I Pet. 2:11
              b. development of personality patterns - S.E.L.F.
    C. Physio-conveyance of character within behavior
         1. acceptance of physio-congenital conditions
         2. acceptance of physio-conjunctive conditions
         3. derivation of spiritual character in human behavior
              a. behavioral acts are amoral in themselves
              b. man does not self-generate character - good or evil
         4. "all have sinned, and come short of glory of God" - Rom. 3:23
         5. "deeds of the flesh" - Gal. 5:19-21
         6. external patterns of behavior reinforce internal patterns
    D. Spirituo-conversion of mankind made available by God in Jesus Christ
         1. spiritual exchange - Acts 26:18; I Cor. 2:12; I Jn. 4:6
         2. spiritual regeneration - Jn. 3:1-6; Titus 3:5
    E. Psycho-configuration of behavior patterns
         1. "flesh" is not eradicated or instantaneously removed
              a. no divine determinism of behavioral perfectionism
              b. constant inner behavioral conflict - Gal. 5:17; Rom. 7:14-25
              c. genuine freedom - Jn 8:32,36; Gal. 5:1,13
         2. reconfiguration of behavioral patterns
              a. Spirit can overcome and supersede "flesh" - Rom. 8:1-11; Gal. 5:16; I Jn. 4:4
              b. lifetime process of sanctification
    F. Physio-conveyance of character within human behavior
         1. no behavioral perfectionism - I Jn. 1:8
         2. "fruit of the Spirit" - Gal. 5:22,23

IV. Correlation of I Corinthians 6:9-11

    A. "Such were some of you"
         1. designated by such repetitive and recurrent behavior patterns
         2. not deterministically, but personally responsible
    B. "but you were...
         1. "washed" - spiritual washing of regeneration - Titus 3:5
         2. "sanctified" - made holy by presence of Holy One
         3. "justified" - made righteous by presence of Righteous One
    C. changed behavior attributed to
         1. spiritual conversion and exchange
         2. spiritual character of God conveyed in behavior



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